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Buy Valium (Diazepam) Online - No Prescription Needed

Valium (Diazepam) is available for purchase online without a prescription. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication, particularly one like Valium, which has significant effects on the central nervous system and carries risks of dependence and side effects.

Product Name: Valium (Diazepam)
Strength: 10 mg
Available Packages: 30-180 pills
Price per Pill: From $3.49


Valium is a benzodiazepine receptor agonist known for its powerful anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant, and muscle-relaxing properties. It works by enhancing the inhibitory effects of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which helps calm nervous activity across the central nervous system.

How Valium Works

Valium produces a range of effects by stabilizing the autonomic nervous system and reducing skeletal muscle tone. It enhances the effects of other sedatives, including sleeping pills, analgesics, neuroleptics, and narcotics, making it an effective tranquilizer for various conditions.

Therapeutic Uses

Valium is highly effective for:

Anxiety and Neuroses

Treating anxiety, fear, and tension in neuroses and borderline states.

Sleep Disorders

Managing insomnia and sleep-related issues.

Muscle Spasms

Reducing spastic conditions caused by brain or spinal cord injuries.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alleviating symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Epileptic Seizures

Managing status epilepticus.


Preparing patients for anesthesia and as a component of combined anesthesia.

Side Effects

Valium may cause several side effects, particularly if not taken as prescribed, including fatigue, lethargy, disorientation, drowsiness, decreased attention, retrograde amnesia, and motor coordination disorders.

Dosage and Administration

Valium is taken orally, with the dosage depending on the specific condition being treated:

General Dosage

2.5-10 mg, 2-3 times a day, up to a maximum of 60 mg per day.

Specific Conditions

  • Anxiety and Neuroses: 5-10 mg, 2-3 times daily.
  • Muscle Spasms and Joint Pain: 5 mg, 1-3 times daily.
  • Alcohol Withdrawal: 5 mg, 3-4 times daily.
  • Vertebral Syndrome: 10 mg, 4 times daily.


Valium should not be used in the following conditions:


Allergic reactions to Valium or other benzodiazepines.

Severe Myasthenia Gravis

A condition that severely affects muscle strength.

Coma or Shock

Patients in coma or shock should not use Valium.

Angle-Closure Glaucoma

A type of glaucoma that is a contraindication.

Addiction History

Individuals with a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Valium can worsen symptoms of sleep apnea.

Severe Respiratory Conditions

Including chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and acute respiratory failure.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Valium is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.


Not recommended for children under the age of 6 for oral administration.

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